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공원가기 본문



jaehoonx2 2018. 4. 9. 00:04

Please tell me one of the parks you often go to? Where is it located?

What can you see in the park? Why do you often go there?

I usually go to Sinjung Lake park near my house.

It's only a 15-minute walk from my home.

In the park, there is a huge statue of General Lee Soonsin.

In front of the statue, there is a square so that people usually play badminton.

And on the left side of the square, there is a trail and people take a walk on the trail.

But what I like the most about this park is the Shinjung lake.

Whenever I take a walk along the lakeside, I feel refreshed.

That's the reason why I often go there.



play badminton x play badmin o

my home 앞에 the를 붙여서 말하는 경향이 있는데 the 뒤에 소유격 못 옴 <- 고쳐 말하기

뒤에 호수나 사람에 대한 묘사 내용을 추가해도 좋을 듯 함.



What activities do you usually do when going to the park? Who do you usually go with? How often do you there?

I usually take a walk in the park. I started to go there to lose weight.

I often went to the park with my mom who loved jogging.

These days, however, I go to the park alone because her knees became bad.

When I was young, I went to the park for three days a week.

Nowadays, however, I go to the park once or twice a month because I'm busy with my study, 

Except for taking a walk, sometimes I go there to watch the movie.

There is a small outside theater in the park. It is a great way to enjoy a free movie.

Before the movie, I go to a convenience store nearby theater and buy some snacks for the movie.

Those are the activities that I usually do in the park.



처음에 말할 때 바로 the main activity I mostly do ~ 로 들어가서 서론이 없었음.

중간에 엄마 얘기로 가다가 딴 길로 새버림. 내가 공원을 가는 이유는 ~ 나와야 되는데 엄마가 나를 데리고 가는 이유는~ 으로 바뀌어 버림. 중간에 새지 말고 세부적인 스토리는 자제하자

시제 왔다갔다 하는 거 조심하기


주의점 2

started - 드 발음 하지 않기

lose weight - 루즈에 강세 주기

three times in a week, once in a week

At first 보다는 used to 표현이 더 자연스러움

걷는 얘기 위주로 하다가 갑자기 영화보러 간다? - 내용 구성이 좀 어색함. 후에 올 문장 연결을 생각해서 이야기 진행하기

활동 목록이 부족 - 걷는 거, 영화보는 거 또 뭐 있을까?

take a walk를 한다고 하면 얼마나 걷는지 어디 코스를 도는지 등등 관련된 정보도 있으면 좋을 듯

왜 횟수가 줄었는지 이유도 달면 좋을 듯 - I'm busy with my work


주의점 3

과거-현재 비교보다는 액티비티 중심으로 서술하는 것이 문제의 의도와 적합

메인 액티비티를 더 서술할 필요가 있음. 영화보기 전 편의점 가서 뭘 사갖고 온다던지


공원에서 하는 것

- take a walk (go for a walk)

- sit on the bench and get some fresh air

- play badmin


쓸 만한 표현

- every other day (하루 걸러 하루, 격일마다)

- The main activity I mostly do~



Please tell me about something memorable that has happened in a park.

The most memorable thing that I've had was meeting my old teacher about 5 years ago.

While I was playing badmin with my sister, I saw a woman who looked like my homeroom teacher in elementary school.

She was my best teacher in life. But she was in school for only 1 year and transferred to another city.

But I didn't think that I have to get her number at that time. So I had no way to contact her.

As soon as I saw her, I greeted her. But It seems that she didn't recognize me at eye.

I fully understood her. She had met so many students for her teaching life.

Anyway, It was nice to meet her.



as usual 평상시처럼

The most memorable experience I've had

While I was waking 과거 진행형

I lost contact with him after transferred to another school

It seemed like she recognized me at eye (한눈에)

keep in touch with



play badminton 에 강세

unfortunately 발음 시 't' 생략

transferred to another school

But I didn't think that I have to get her number at that time 이거 표현 이상함 너무 어렵다

 -> Back then, I never thought how I could I know her number ~

I greeted to her -> I said hi

It didn't seemed ~ 그리고 부정형태에서 더 강조해서 발음하기 의미전달을 하기 위해

플로우에 맞게 내용 구성하기

- 만나서 무슨 얘기를 했다 아니면 너무 반가워서 연락처를 주고받았다 또는 밥을 사드렸다 등

  추가해야 할 내용이 있음 너무 뚝 끊기는 느낌


항상 지적 당하는 사항

단어를 너무 어려운 것을 쓰지 말라

내용을 쉽게 해라

딱 떠오르는 단어 말할 수 있는 단어들로만 스크립트를 짜라

말을 하기 위해서 사전 찾는 일이 필요 없어야 한다

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