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집에서 보내는 휴가 본문


집에서 보내는 휴가

jaehoonx2 2018. 4. 17. 21:28

You indicated that you spend your vacation at home.

What kind of activities do you usually do when you spend time at home?

Why do you like vacations at home?

I like to do something I can't normally do because I am busy with work.

Until late morning, I catch up on my sleep. I sleep as much as want.

And then, I enjoy brunch while watching re-runs of my favorite TV shows.

In the afternoon, I read some books or download a couple of old movies and watch them.

Before I go to bed, I drink a can of beer while listening to music.

Actually, this is my favorite time of the day but I can't usually enjoy it because I get off work very late, around 10 pm.

Since I am so exhausted, I just go to bed as soon as I get home.

Some people think spending vacations at home is boring, but I don't like to go out.

Most shopping malls and coffee shops are packed with people, and I can be stuck in traffic. It makes me more tired.

I just want to relax at home during vacations.



액티비티들 간 통일성이 있으면 좋겠음 예를 들어 닭 모이 주는 얘기는 빼도 좋을 듯.

가족들과 시간을 보내는 것이 좋다면 가족들과의 활동 위주로 말을 풀어나가면 괜찮을 것 같다.

feed 발음 주의

a, the 주의 - the는 상대방도 나도 알고 있는 거여야 함


Please tell me about the most memorable vacation you have spent at home.

What did you do and who were you with?

The most memorable vacation I have spent at home was last year.

I invited my old friends to my place and cooked Korean food for them.

We have been very close friends since elementary school.

I promised them to make Korean style chicken soup called "삼계탕" but I had no time to do that.

Luckily, We were available last vacation, so they came over my place.

They really liked the food I made, and we watched a baseball game together at home after dinner.

Whenever I make the food, it reminds me of the vacation. because it was the first time that I cooked for somebody.

I was really happy to see they ate it up.

Since then, they sometimes often ask me to make chicken soup.

Anyway, it's a pretty memorable vacation I've ever spent at home.




my friend since ~ -> 너무 길고 말도 잘 못하자나 그냥 my friend from elementary school

It was just empty sentence to make them happy -> 너무 한국식 영어야

I just said that, I didn't mean 등으로 바꿀 수 있지만 그냥 빼자 소용 없는 말

한국식 영어 쓰지 말고 시험이니까 시험용 영어 쓸 필요 있음

꼭 무조건 나의 사실 경험을 말해야 되는 것이 아님 .생각하다 보면 말이 느려지고 표현도 잘 안나옴.

쉬운 단어 빨리 말할 수 있는 단어 위주로 말하기.

chicken soup and eggs - eggs 빼 우리집 닭이 직접 낳은 달걀 이거 설명할 필요가 없자나 그냥 치킨 수프 줬다하면 끝.

감독관은 진짜 나의 경험이 궁금해서 물어본 게 아니라 내 영어실력을 보려고 하는 것임

내가 말을 했을 때 부가설명을 해야되는 주제나 문장은 피해야 한다. 딱 내 녹음본만을 듣고 100퍼센트 문맥이 이해가 가야함.

어 뭐지? 닭을 얘네 집에서 키우는 건가? 의문이 들게 해서는 안됨. 그러면 실패한 답변이 되어 버림.

confusing을 줄이자!


stayed up all night talking drinking hang out


memorable 한지 설명 부족



invite them - 인바잇 듬

promised them to make chicken soup - promise 뒤에 짧은 게(them) 오고 그 다음에 긴 게 옴(to make chicken soup)

I was happy to ~ 이상해 어색해 중간에 so really 같은 부사를 추가하면 자연스러워 보임

부사를 잘 활용하자


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