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영화 보기 본문


영화 보기

jaehoonx2 2018. 4. 8. 22:51

좋아하는 영화관 소개

[도입/영화관 이름 소개]

Eva, do you want to know about my favorite movie theater? Then I want to tell you about the Lotte Cinema.

[좋은 이유-1]

I like to go there because it is near my house. I can get there for 10 minutes by bus.

I can easily go there whenever I want to watch movies.

[좋은 이유-2]

I like its sound system, they have a special system called SUPER SOUND.

It makes me focus on the movie with a great sound.

[좋은 이유-3]

Also, they offer a special discount for students. So I can get 10% off.

[좋은 이유-4]

Ah, I have one more thing to add. Their snack menus are really awesome.

As you know I have a sweet tooth, so I always buy some snacks such as popcorn and nacho.


Then Eva, what is your favorite movie theater? I also want to know about it.

영화 언제, 누구와 보러 가는지 그리고 보기 전에는 무엇을 하고 본 후에는 무엇을 하는지


Eva, do you want to know about my pattern of watching movies? Let me think about it.


As you know, I am really busy these days, so I cannot have enough time on weekdays to watch a movie.

Therefore I usually go to a movie on the weekend with my sister because we have similar movie tastes.

[보기 전 하는 일]

Before I go to a theater, my sister and I usually watch a trailer.

As I mentioned I am very busy these days, my sister searches and chooses the movie to watch together.

[보기 전 하는 일]

In the theater, we never forgot to buy caramel popcorn.

[보고 나서 하는 일]

After the movie, we usually visit the KFC near the theater.

We love to eat Hot Crispy Chicken.

their chicken is always fantastic.


These are all about my pattern of watching movies and activities before and after watching movies.

When was your last time you went to the movie theater?

What do you usually do before you go to the movie theater? And what do you do after watching a movie? 

The last time I watched the movie was about one month ago. The movie title was "Little Forest".

Before I go to a theater, Sister and I watched a trailer, and we saw an actress named Kim Taeri.

Because we were a huge fan of her, we booked the tickets without any hesitation.

After the movie, We went to the supermarket near the theater.

Because we had skipped dinner for the movie. we bought some snacks there.

On the way back, we talked about the movie. 

We both agreed that the movie was good.


참고할 만한 어휘

watch a trailer 예고편을 보다

eat out 외식하다



문장을 늘리지 말고 스토리를 늘리자.

immediately x right away o 



Please tell me about the most memorable movie you have seen. What was the movie about? Who was in it? Why was it memorable?

[영화 이름]

The most memorable movie I have ever seen is <Avengers: End Game>

[감독 및 주연배우]

It's an American fantasy film directed by the Russo Brothers,

and Robert Downey Jr and Chris Evans are main actors.

[스토리 소개]

The movie is about the war between some superheroes and an alien army.

An alien captain, Thanos disintegrated half of all life in the universe. and half of the superheroes are also dead.

The rest of them try to time travel to get back everything.

[좋아하는 이유]

The reason why I really love this movie is that there are so many breathtaking scenes.

All scenes from the movie made me get away from reality.

My most favorite scene is the final battle between heroes and aliens.

Whenever I watch the scene, I get goosebumps because it is really awesome.


Eva, If you haven't watched it yet, I strongly recommend it. Why don't you watch it right now?


문제에 맞는 답을 하자. 문제는 왜 인상 깊었냐 인데 줄거리만 주구장창 얘기하면 안 된다.

발음 정확히 해야 한다. 특히 동사!

어려운 단어 쓰지 않기.

each of them()

reminded(리마인디()), important(임포턴()) and(())    ->    -ed, -t 끝발음 하지 않기

totally (토를리)


너무 스크립트를 대놓고 읽는 듯이 들림, 외운 티 확 남.

중요한 단어(동사나 의미있는 단어 등)일 수록 강세를 넣고, 천천히 말해야 함



How has your interest in movies changed over the last ten years?

What types of movies did you like in the past? What about these days? Tell me about it in detail.

I used to like romance movies when I was young.

It was simply because the actresses from the romance movies were attractive.

A lot of times I watched those movies just to see the actresses on the screen

without much attention to the story itself. 

When I came to university, I met a friend who really loved watching hero movies.

And I came across the movie named ‘ Thor: God of Thunder'.

I remember being overwhelmed by the energy of Thor when I watched it for the first time.

The soundtrack, computer graphics all the effects of the movie were just so fascinating.

Since then, I’ve become a huge fan of hero film and

I go watch those movies right away as soon as a new hero film series comes out.



이런 문제의 경우 시제 일치가 가장 중요! 시제에 신경쓰면서 말할 것!

heroes movies가 제일 중요한데 정작 여기서 빨리 읽고 지나가버림 - 외운 티 남

energy of the heroes -> 에너지와 히어로즈에 강세를 둬야 함 of the에 강세 두지 말기

since then, -> 의미 단위로 쉬어 가기

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