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사는 곳 본문


사는 곳

jaehoonx2 2018. 5. 3. 14:39

I want to know more about where you live. What kind of house or apartment is it?

I live in an apartment in Pohang.

I moved here three months ago because the public transportation here is really convenient.

Also, it takes only fifteen minutes from my place to school by bus.

Ah, I have one more thing to add. A small park is in front of my place.

So many people take a walk with their pets in the park.

My apartment only has four floors and my place is on the second floor.

My apartment has one bedroom and one bathroom.

What I like the most about my place is a cozy living room.

There is a big window, so I can see beautiful sky and it's really amazing.

Also, I can see the park I mentioned from the window.

There is a rug in the living room, and I like to take a nap on it.

My place is so cozy that I spend most of my time at home on weekends.



my house has several rooms

a & the - 처음엔 a 두번째 이후엔 the

글을 만들 때 큼지막한 것부터 설명하기

ex. 서울에 살고 있음 - 아파트에 거주아파트엔 몇 동이 있고 난 몇 호에 살고 있음 -  집에는 방이 몇 개 있음 ...

7층에 살아 my place is on the seventh floor

area - 에어리아

강세 중요부사와 동사에 강세, 마침표엔 내리기, 쉼표엔 올리기

문장 구조가 너무나 단순하다


Please tell me about your house. What's your favorite room?

What does it look like? Why do you like that room?

I live on the second floor of an apartment in Pohang.

I've got one bedroom, one bathroom, one living room, and a kitchen.

Of those, the space I like the most is my living room, which is right beside the bedroom.

It's got a small rug, a wooden desk, and a TV.

Even though it's not that spacious, I really like my living room.

When I am at home, I love watching TV in the living room.

Also when I look out the window, I can see a beautiful park and get some fresh air.

It helps me clear my head and relieve stress.

The only complaint I have is that the room needs a large mirror.

Since the one in my room is too small, I cannot check out my outfit before I go out.

I'm going to buy one sooner or later


huge - 휴ㅈ


When was the last time you encountered one of your neighbors? How did you meet him or her?

Tell me about it in detail.

The last time I encountered one of my neighbors was a couple of days ago.

I was on my way to exercise and so was him.

I always leave my house at 10 pm, and he also goes to the gym late in the night,

so we often bump into each other in front of the gym.

When I saw him for the first time, he looked very healthy and nice.

Exercising together, we became very close and after a while, I knew that he lived in my neighborhood.

Since then, we have become good friends, and I am very happy to know him.


Can you describe the area around your house? Which area do you live in? What is there?

Please tell me about your neighborhood in as much as possible.

I live in a very crowded neighborhood called Pohang.

There are many apartment complexes, restaurants, cafes, and shops.

That's where you can find the biggest wholesale fish market in Kyungsangbuk-do.

Many people visit my neighborhood to buy fresh seafood with a low price.

Since there's a lot of foot traffic, the public transportation system in my neighborhood is really convenient.

It has easy access to a department store and a movie theater.

There have been a lot of changes in my neighborhood for the last five years.

It used to be a quiet area and mostly residential neighborhoods with some grocery stores.

However, so many restaurants and cafes are conveniently located near my place now.

So I can see many people on the street even after midnight.


강세 주의


Have you ever had any problems with your home? What was the problem, and how did you deal with it?

Give me as many details as possible.

When I first moved into the house that I am living in now, I had a problem with the heating system.

It wouldn't get warm as I thought. but I had no idea how to deal with the situation.

To make it worse, there was no hot water, so I had to take shower with cold water.

I called a boiler repairman right away.

The repairman came to my house and began to check the boiler and found the problem.

He adjusted some valves and turned on the boiler and it started to working properly.

He taught me how the valves work and I memorized it in case when the boiler become out of order again.

Since then, I am able to handle the heating system by myself. 


강세 및 느리게~

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