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Role-Play 본문



jaehoonx2 2018. 5. 14. 12:01

I'd like to give you a situation to act out.

You've bought concert tickets for yourself and a friend, but you can't make it due to illness.

Call your friend to explain the situation and suggest two or three alternatives to the problem.

Hi, this is Jaehoon. I am really afraid that I have bad news for you.

You know, we are supposed to go to the concert tonight. 

but, I don't think I can make it. I've had a bad cold since last night.

I'm so sick that I couldn't sleep at all.

I went to a hospital and met doctor this morning.

And she told me to get enough rest at home.

I am really sorry to make you disappointed because I know how much you've wanted to go to the concert.

If you are okay, How about going concert with our best friend, Minji?

She wants to go to the concert too.

I may give my ticket to her so that you two guys can go to the concert together.

If you don't mind, I will cancel our tickets. We may reschedule later when I feel better.

I am really sorry.



상대는 전혀 내 상황을 모르기 때문에 어느 정도의 상황 설명이 필요함.

severe - ㅅ비어

I don't think I can make it

- 보통 주절에 부정을 취함. 우리나라처럼 '난 이거 못할 거 같아' 가 아니라

  '난 이거 할 수 있다고 생각하지 않아' 로 말함

wanted to, weekend - 워닛 투,(원팃 투), 위켄


어휘 및 표현

let down - 실망시키다 ex) I am sorry I let you down.

I'll give you my ticket. How about -ing? (Why don't you -?)

Please call me back (전화니까)


I'd like to give you a situation to act out. The play you want to see is already sold out.

Call your friend to explain the situation. Then, give some alternatives to this problem.

Hi, this is Jaehoon. I'm watching the play reservation website.

Unfortunately, It seems like all the tickets are sold out.

I should have booked earlier. Anyway, I don't think we can see the play.

Instead, how about going to the ballpark?

A baseball game will be held at the same time.

If you don't like it, why don't we see the play next weekend?

some of the tickets for next weekend still remain.

But I don't know which option you like.

Please let me know as soon as possible.


어휘 및 표현

You've always wanted to ~



in this morning -> this morning

야구 보러 가는 거 외에 play에 대한 대안 하나 더 추가하면 좋을 듯.

(야구 보고 맥주 마시러 가는 건 야구 이후에 일이니까)


There's a problem you need to solve.

You can't go to the movies with your friend because your cousin is coming to America.

Please call him/her to explain the situation and reschedule the movie time.

Hi, this is Jaehoon. I am really afraid that I have bad news for you.

You know, we are supposed to go to the movie tonight.

but, I don't think I can make it.

My cousin is coming from America tonight.

Because he is not good at Korean, so I need to pick him up at the airport.

If you don't mind why don't we watch the movie next weekend?

I checked the reservation website, and some tickets for next weekend still remain.

I'll buy popcorn and beverage to apologize.

Please let me know if you are possible or not.

I'm really sorry.


You just received an item that you purchased online. However, part of it is broken.

Call customer service and ask three questions about what you need to do.

Hi, this is Jaehoon. I am calling to ask you some questions about an item that I just received.

I purchased a laptop computer on your website.

But it seems like the power button doesn't work.

The laptop is plugged in, but it still does not work.

I ask you to send me a new one by next week.

I have a business trip next week, so please send it as soon as possible.

If it is impossible, I may visit your offline stores to pick it up.

Please let me know about it. Thank you.


I'd like to give you a situation to act out. You've borrowed a laptop computer from a friend,

but you've broken it by mistake.

Call your friend to explain what happened and offer two or three alternatives to the problem.

Hi, this is Jaehoon. I'm afraid that I have bad news for you.

While I was browsing the internet, your computer was infected by a virus.

I'm really sorry. I should have been more careful when I use your computer.

Anyway, if you have important data in it, I'll go to a repair center to back up.

Or, if you are ok, I can format your laptop with my Windows OS USB.

Please let me know your decision.


I'll give you a situation and ask you to act it out. Suppose that you want to see a movie with your friend this Saturday.

Call your friend and leave a recorded message, asking three or four questions about seeing a movie together.

Hi Jaehoon. This is Jaehoon.

A new action movie called Deadpool will be released this Saturday.

You like action movies. Why don't we go to a movie on Saturday evening?

Are you available on that day? If you're ok, I'll book the tickets.

And, you know, there are two theaters nearby your house.

Which one do you prefer? Please tell me, then I'll pick you up.

And after the movie, why don't we have dinner together?

There is a good Chinese restaurant nearby.

Please contact me as soon as possible.


I'll give you a situation and ask you to act it out.

Assume that you are planning to have a party in your house and want to invite a friend.

Call your friend and leave a message, asking three or four questions about inviting him or her to the party.

Hi Eva, this is Jaehoon. I'll have my birthday party this Friday at my house.

Are you available on that day? I hope you are available.

If you can come to my party, I'll prepare some food by myself.

Is there any food you'd like to eat? I'll try it.

Ah, I also invited Sunglak and Jinwoo. Is there anyone you'd like to bring?

You may bring him or her. Now I gonna go shopping for the party.

So please contact me whether you can come. Thank you.


I'm sorry, but you have a problem that you have to solve. You and your friend are going to the park,

but it is raining heavily so you can't go there. Call your friend to explain the situation.

Then offer some solutions about this problem.

Hello Eva, this is Jaehoon. We are supposed to go to the park, but, as you know, it's raining outside.

The weather forecast says it will be raining until tomorrow afternoon.

So, I don't think we can go to the park.

Instead, Why don't we go to the movie theater?

Recently a new action movie called Deadpool was released.

I know you love action movies. So If you're ok, Let's go to the movie.

I'll send you the movie timetable. Please let me know when we go.

'Etc. > OPIc' 카테고리의 다른 글

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