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jaehoonx2 2018. 5. 29. 13:38

Lets say you are planning to buy a new laptop. What kind of things would you do before going out to buy it? Do you do research on Internet sites or talk to people to get their opinions on different models? Tell me about all the things you normally do in preparation to buy a laptop.

Before I buy a new laptop, I usually search the internet sites.

There is a price comparing site in Korea.

On the site, I can find the best model for me under various conditions such as price, or performance.

Sometimes, I also ask my college friends to recommend good models.

Because my college friends are majoring in Computer Engineering, so they know a lot about computers.

Their comments really help me.


Id like you to talk about a TV show or a movie that was particularly memorable to you.

What was the show or movie about? Who was in it? Why was it so memorable to you?

Tell me in as much detail as possible.

The most memorable movie is Little Forest.

The main actress of the movie is Kim Taeri, who is the hottest movie star in Korea.

Little Forest is about countryside life.

The movie describes Korean typical countryside scenery very well. 

The reason why the movie is so memorable is acting of Kim Taeri.

She expressed the concerns that she has very well.

I was touched by her acting, so I watched this movie several times.


Which room in your house do you like best? Please describe for me the room you like to spend most of time in.

In my house, there are several rooms such as a kitchen or living room.

Of those, the space I like the most is my bedroom.

I like my room because it is my own private space.

It's got a cozy bed, huge window, and lots of books.

It is a nice place to read a book.

So when I'm at home, I love reading in my bed.


And since my home is located in the countryside,

so If I open the window, I can get fresh air.

Those are the reasons why I like my room.


Have you ever experienced you had an appointment with your friends, but you broke it due to a problem? What was the problem about? How did you handle that?

A couple of months ago, I had a test.

My sister and I were supposed to go to the movie after my exam.

But on the day before the exam, I studied hard and stayed up all night. 

And during taking the exam, I fully focused on my questions.

After taking the exam, I felt really exhausted, and I needed taking a nap.

I didn't think that I could go to the movie with my sister.

I told her that I couldn't go to the movie together.

It seemed like she was disappointed.

I apologized to her and I promised I'll go to the movie with her next time.

And I bought some ice cream for her for apologizing.



간단간단하게 문장 구성, 어렵지 않게 문장 구성

중요 단어, 부사에 강세 ex) a COUPLE of MONTHS ago, I STUDIED REALLY hard



너가 아는 사람 중 건강한 사람에 대해서 얘기해줘

I know one guy who is really healthy. His name is 000. He has really nice muscles.

He likes to exercise.

I've never seen him skip exercise. see - 지각동사 5형식

And he also cares about his diet.

He never eat fast food.

He doesn't drink and smoke.


주의점 - exercise 얘기만 주구장창 하지마라 어느정도 됐으면 끊고 다른 얘기

건강이면 건강에 관련된 얘기들 다 생각해보고 그냥 다 때려박기



너가 자주 가는 식당에 대해 설명해줘

A restaurant I often go to is 000 restaurant.

It is a Korean restaurant.

It is located in 000. It is only 15-minute walk from my home.

What I like the most about this restaurant is ~



내가 배웠던 표현들 자주 써먹기 - 입에 달라붙을 수 있도록 계속 말해보고 연습하기.

한 길로만 새지 않기 


너가 카페에서 뭘 시켰는데 다른 메뉴가 나왔어 컴플레인을 해봐

Excuse me, I ordered Iced Americano, But you gave me Cafe Latte.

I think you've got wrong order.

I want you to change.

Could you make it as soon as possible?

I have a lecture in 10 minutes. So, please hurry up.



어려운 말을 할 그런 문제가 아님. 쉽게 쉽게 끝내고 빨리 빨리 넘어가기


나 여행 좋아해 나한테 질문 3개 해봐

when was last time you traveled?

'Etc. > OPIc' 카테고리의 다른 글

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